Technologist-in-Residence to co-host event with NCAD on protecting art & creative originality from AI misuse
Dr. Dunja Skoko Ph.D., who is The Digital Hub's Technologist-in-Residence, will host a Hybrid Symposium & Hands-On Workshop on Protecting Art from AI Copying at The Digital Hub in collaboration with Elaine Hoey, Artist and Lecturer at the National College of Art and Design.
Dr. Skoko is a STEM scientist who holds a Ph.D. in Biophysics and is currently developing an innovative biotechnology at the Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices at Trinity College Dublin, where she is a guest scientist in the group of Prof. Martin Hegner. She commenced her residency at The Digital Hub in November.
This residency for a female technologist has been identified as a response to existing research evidencing the gender gap in STEM, and in line with The Digital Hub’s EDI Policy. It offers a unique opportunity for a technologist to work within an innovative startups environment and to engage with a community of engineers, innovators, and entrepreneurs.
Dr. Skoko along with Elaine Hoey will host a CLOAKING Symposium and Workshop titled ‘Cloak Your Art, Confuse the Algorithm’ in The Bank at The Digital Hub on Thursday, March 27th from 1:30pm – 5:30pm.
Guests are invited to attend the event in person at The Bank at The Digital Hub, while some speakers will join remotely online.
This event will bring together leading artists, activists, and computer scientists to raise awareness and share tools to safeguard artistic originality.
Led by Elaine Hoey and Dr. Skoko, the interactive workshop will provide practical experience in using cloaking techniques to protect artwork from AI misuse. Participants will gain hands-on insight into adversarial techniques, cloaking methods, and tools that disrupt unauthorized AI training on artwork.
How to Participate
Book Your Spot: Registration Link
A joint initiative by The Digital Hub and the National College of Art and Design.
AuthorDigital Hub Team