Home News Creative Writing // A 6 week Course with Writer Aiden O’Reilly

Creative Writing // A 6 week Course with Writer Aiden O’Reilly

This 6 week course with Writer Aiden O'Reilly could be just the ticket for writers stuck in a rut, or those just starting out, those who need a hands-on approach, and those who have been working away too much on their own.

We’ve had bloggers and non-fiction writers on the course before: they benefit from the techniques often thought of as belonging to fiction writing. The course takes the approach that writing is a craft with a toolbox of techniques at your disposal.  Enhance you creative/critiquing skillset & knock your writing into shape!

Date: Monday, March 13th 2024
Time: 18:30 to 21:30pm
Venue: Digital Court, Rainsford Street, The Digital Hub, Dublin 8, D08 R2YP, Ireland
Register here
Course Fee: €175

Tutor Bio:

Aiden O’Reilly’s short story collection Greetings, Hero was published in 2014. His fiction and non-fiction has appeared in The Irish Times, the Dublin Review, Litro Magazine London, Winter Papers, The Stinging Fly, and many other places.He has held writing workshops at Block T, and the IWC, for the TCD literary society and at various literary festivals.

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