Home News Open call for Female Technologist-in-Residence at The Digital Hub – apply by 30/08/24.
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Open call for Female Technologist-in-Residence at The Digital Hub – apply by 30/08/24.

Exciting and unique three-to-six-month residency for a professional innovative female technologist, starting in September at The Digital Hub campus in the Liberties area of Dublin 8.

This residency has been identified as a response to existing research evidencing the gender gap in STEM, and in line with The Digital Hub’s EDI Policy.

The residency offers a unique opportunity for a technologist to work within an innovative startups environment and to engage with a community of engineers, innovators, and entrepreneurs.

The resident technologist will receive:

  • Office/studio space on The Digital Hub campus.
  • Access to The Digital Hub facilities including 24/7 and on-site parking.
  • A fee of €10,000.
  • A budget of up to €5,000 to support project related costs.
  • Access to a cutting-edge community in the field of innovation and technologies as well as to the vibrant Dublin 8 community.
  • Access to networking opportunities with innovators and entrepreneurs.
  • The support of the DHDA staff to broker introductions with innovative startups and the Dublin 8 ecosystem

The application deadline is Friday 30th August 2024 at 5pm and all further details on the application requirements and the Residency are detailed in this booklet (PDF).

Please email any queries in relation to the residency to Dr. Stephen Brennan at info@thedigitalhub.com before 23rd August 2024.


Digital Hub Team