Home News Improved urban environment with a Pocket Forest at The Digital Hub
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Improved urban environment with a Pocket Forest at The Digital Hub

The Digital Hub has teamed up with Pocket Forests — a social enterprise with the mission to make urban areas greener by planting ‘pocket forests’. The Digital Hub and Pocket Forests are jointly developing a pilot educational and engagement project, where young trees and plants will be grown in a native tree nursery at The Digital Hub.

This inner-city nursery will supply other growing activities across Dublin to support the environmental objective of urban greening. This tree nursery will also function as an outdoor maker space.

Already businesses at The Digital Hub and passers-by can see a pocket forest in-situ outside St. Patrick’s Tower. Made of recycled materials the forest will be planted with native Irish trees and edible fruit bushes. The pocket forest incorporates a seat, so people can relax and improve their feeling of wellbeing in a little oasis away from the hustle and bustle of Thomas Street.

An important part of the tree nursery / outdoor maker space is a series of learning activities and events, which are being finalised. This public awareness programme will provide the wider community with hands-on experiences and skills sharing. They will be themed with various ideas from wellness at work to urban food forests to the folklore and science of native Irish trees and the mental and physical health benefits of a daily dose of ‘Vitamin Tree’.

For more information please email the Programmes and Projects Manager at The Digital Hub at info@thedigitalhub.com

More information on Pocket Forests at www.pocketforests.ie

Digital Hub Team

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