Home News Glasbot wins The Digital Hub Award at Kaleidoscope 2021

Glasbot wins The Digital Hub Award at Kaleidoscope 2021

The winner of The Digital Hub Award at Kaleidoscope 2021 was “Glasbot” by Nhu Thai, a TU Dublin Creative Digital Media graduate.

Glasbot is an interactive animation project that is designed to teach children about recycling and informing young children of the impact of saving the environment, the how and why it would benefit the planet. The medium of Glasbot is an e-learning interactive non-linear animation, bringing you on a journey from Rrecycling glass and creating glass. Users get the option to which process they would like to learn first, users will learn everything they need.

Read more about Glasbot at: https://glasbot.org/

The Creative Digital Media degree at the Blanchardstown Campus of TU Dublin produces graduates well versed in all aspects of contemporary media technology. The students finish their degrees by producing final year projects which typically encompass areas such as web design, animation, mobile app development, User Experience (UX) design, game development, film and documentary production, and emerging media technology.

Showcase Runs: Friday, 21st May from 10-5pm at http://twitch.tv/creativedigitalmedia and on an ongoing basis on their website at http://creativedigitalmedia.ie

Digital Hub Team