Home News D-PROJECT Untld. by Outlandish Theatre Platform

D-PROJECT Untld. by Outlandish Theatre Platform

D-Project Unltd. is an international performance project that connects art, grassroots activism and journalism. Created in collaboration with Irish and international artists, D-Project Unltd. disrupts the standard news format to experiment with what news might be and bring art works from geographic peripheries to an online international audience.

Artists George Hooker and Áine Ní Laoghaire take over Ireland’s broadcast newsroom and invite international artists Mirna Bamieh (Palestine), Kate Conroy (US) and Samar Zughool (Jordan) to share their grassroots work to an online international theatre audience, responding to questions such as: Can the art of theatre infuse journalism? Can artists sharpen the citizens’ senses? Or are we better off dancing the news?


Date: 1st October 2022

Time: 3.15pm

Venue: DTF YouTube Channel

Duration: 40 minutes

No ticket required.

You can register your interest or simply tune into DTF YouTube Channel

More info about D-Project Unltd 

D-Project Unltd. is funded by the Arts Council Ireland, Dublin City Council with support from the Coombe Women & Infants University Hospital and The Digital Hub, Dublin.

D-Project Unltd. further invites you to four in-person performance workshops. As part of this experiment four in-person performance workshops will take place at The Digital Hub, Bay 1, on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd October (2 pm and 6 pm each day).

In these workshops you will witness artists Áine Ní Laoghaire and George Hooker making news and with them unpack the performativity and value of glocalised information.

Tickets: €5

Register via Eventbrite

Duration Performance Workshops: 90 minutes

Digital Hub Team