Home What's on Celebrate World Health Awareness Month with Smart D8 and The Digital Hub: Free Blood Pressure & Pulse Checks by Irish Heart Foundation

Celebrate World Health Awareness Month with Smart D8 and The Digital Hub: Free Blood Pressure & Pulse Checks by Irish Heart Foundation

10:30am - 4:15pm
Outdoors – Digital Depot at The Digital Hub, Roe Lane (off Thomas Street), The Digital Hub, Dublin 8, D08 TCV4.

Two in three adults over 50 have high blood pressure, but half don't know it. Avail of a free blood pressure and pulse check at the Irish Heart Foundation's Mobile Health Unit coming to The Digital Hub in April.

Smart D8, supported by The Digital Hub and Irish Heart Foundation, are encouraging people living and working in Dublin 8 to avail of a free blood pressure and pulse check at the Irish Heart Foundation’s Mobile Health Unit which will be located in the car park of the Digital Depot building on Wednesday, 16th April from 10:30am to 4:15pm.

What to Expect:

During a heart health check the Irish Heart Foundation’s expert nurses will check your blood pressure and pulse and provide heart health information and advice to help reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Find out more on irishheart.ie

About Smart D8:

‘Smart D8’ is an urban demonstrator providing opportunities for indigenous and international innovators to investigate how smart technology and innovative approaches can improve health and wellbeing in an urban population.

Since October 2020, Smart D8 has brought together innovators and an urban community with a diverse range of entrepreneurs, academics, local government, national healthcare providers and public bodies in a partnership model to work to solve community health and wellbeing challenges at scale.

Smart D8 is led by The Digital Hub, Dublin City Council, St James’s Hospital and Smart Dublin. They are joined by Tyndall National Institute, St Patrick’s Mental Health Services, Trinity College Dublin, Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, National College of Art & Design, Guinness Enterprise Centre, Health Innovation Hub Ireland and the HSE in this unique collaborative initiative.

Smart D8 is focused on finding innovative solutions to improve the health and wellbeing of nearly 45,000 people living in the Dublin 8 region of Ireland’s capital city.